Thursday 8 October 2015

The mud boy.

The Mud Boy...
The mud boy was real, no one liked believing it but they had to, mudboy would often turn up in places unexpectedly and he was bossy he was always making up rules, that was for the day that he announced them, the rules could be anything, from wearing a blindfold all day or to have to sleep underneath their bed for the night, the children would often sneeze at this point and when they opened their eyes the mud boy would be gone, that was apart from the splotches of mud that he left behind.
Sometimes it rained.
The mud boy loved the rain but he was mischevious, he would often play where children could see him, but when the rain would stop the mud boy would sink back into the mud and would not be seen for days, apart from that the mud boy was not condemned to the rain no not at all.
The children were playing in the mud, against their guardians knowledge, they had seen the puddle but to them it looked like a playground, when they got home their guardians noticed that they had left a trail of mud from where they had been playing leading to the doorstep so they called the police.
It was uncanny how much mud there was and on the third day the police were back at the residence with them complaining about mud showing up all over the house there was mud on the roof and most of the windows they left after that, that was when the new tenants arrived.
Bill was the new groundskeeper in the suburb he looked like a groundskeeper, he acted like a groundskeeper, he rode his tractor like a groundskeeper, but he hated mud except he kept finding it everywhere, in places where it should not be so he organized the mud squad.
The mud squad was Bill and his horse to start with.
The mud squad had heard strange stories from afar about mud until one day when it was raining they finally saw the mud boy, and Bills horse reared up and bolted, the mud boy approached Bill slowly through the rain

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